Sunday, January 31, 2010

Series worth mentionning

Now, I have only recently had a love for reading. It will appear with my list of recent books that I have read that I have maybe developped a "thing for Vampires" haha. It all started with the twilight series, just like almost every other girl in the universe I feel in love with the series. Odly enough I was all for the warewolves in the twilight series. I read and re-read them three times, new moon just didn't seem to get here fast enough in the theatres. The books are definately way better then the movie in my opinion.

After deciding to read a different series I decided to read the House of Night series. This series had a really neat new spin on the whole vampire thing. I really enjoyed their point of view of the whole vampire thing. Although this is the a very teen oriented series, you kinda fall in love with the characters and you read each book in the series just wanted to know what next! It is really well writen and you get a good sense of the characters.

Right now I am reading so far the best of all the series. The Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. Now this is an amazing set of books, I just can't seem to put them down. It is also probably the most "adult" book of all the series. But wow, I am loving these books, Definately one I would recommend to anyone.

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