Sunday, August 31, 2008

John and Brigitte

Shawn photographed John and Brigitte's day. It was a beautiful sunny day with great weather. They shared their day with family and Friends. We wish him the best of luck for the future.

Henri and Jisung's Wedding

Me and Shawn have just completed a beautiful wedding for Henri and Jisung. we had a great time. The wedding brought together two very traditional cultures, korean and chinise. the bride and groom were very easy to work with. Not onlt were they easy on the eyes, the were very coopertive. They were easy to pose, and we could shove a camer in there face and they were happy to smile all day! Shawn and I would like to wish the newlyweds nothing but the best for the future for them and their families!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Katie and Lilli

Recently I had to the please to photograph Little Lilli, We had alot of fun Splashing in the water and at the park. This is one of my favorite places in the world. It where I grew up and spend all my days of summer. We gave little her first Lollipop which she loved and ended up wearing. And also had fun playing in the park. This little girl loves the water once we got to the waters edge she just couldn't get enough of being in the water. She was so adorable.

Experimenting With Nature

Lately I have been trying to experiment with different locations and different Editing. I have come up with Waterfalls and abandonned building . Here are a few pictures from one of my latests photo sessions at a waterfall. I can honestly say that this was quite an adventure, in getting there and taking the photographs, but was SO much fun!!! I would definately be up to doing this again.

Workshop With Sabine

Its always fun to have a mentor in this type of business. Someone who are really good at what they do and love it as much as I do. I am blessed to have met her. We did a small workshop with a 3 models. It was really cold but we had alot of fun.